Consciousness cycle
The consciousness cycle describes the dealing with the world and brings four areas together that cover the two axles information and processing level. Information is the interface to the environment and goes from sensuous perception to ‚linguistic’ communication. Perception notices the world with the five senses - just 10% consciously. Communication takes place via words, pictures, music, gestures, body attitude, but also with smell or gourmet creations. Processing describes the form of the exchange with the environment and reaches from internal thinking to external acting. Thinking handles the perceived stimuli received by perception, connects them with existing mental models and generates thereby new thoughts. Contents of communication are emphasized by behavior and actions. The result is a holistic, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory exchange with the world. The use of the consciousness cycle with its multi-sensuous influences, emotional and rational thought processes as well as behaviors and actions facilitates the determination, designing and exchange of meaning.
The consciousness cycle consists of four areas: perception, thinking, communication and act.

is done with the five senses: seeing (visual), hearing (auditory), feeling (kinesthetic), smelling (olfactory), and tasting (gustatory). Of the 100% stimuli that are perceived by our senses, we use only 10% consciously. However, this does not mean that the remaining 90% are lost. On the contrary. The sensory stimuli are influence factors of our thinking that, by consciously considering our emotions, provide additional information.
processes stimuli coming from the outside and links them with already existing thoughts. Thus, individual, mental models arise that grow continuously, and consist for example of ideas, topics, concepts, and models. Part of the results of thinking we recognize and refine. The bigger part consists of unconscious results that work uncontrolled and affect our intuition, i.e. the gut feeling. A more effective use of thinking requires new approaches. Tools are thinking models that help arranging thoughts, e.g. structured explanation, solution and system models. These results improve later communication.
covers all aspects that belong to the exchange of thoughts. The target group oriented formulation amplifies the intended meaning and is more clearly expressed. It should not be forgotten that apart from the word, other communication channels exist. According to the motto ‚A picture says more than a thousand words’, all sense channels have ways to express something. Besides wording and visualization, i.e. the textual and visual realization of a message, sensuous documentation becomes more and more important. An example is the organization of smells in automobiles or books. The conscious organization of communication improves thought exchange and increases the effect.
contains all activities that usually go along communication, follows afterwards and becomes visible to everybody. This includes behavior, activities and subsequent measures. Communication can, with the power of actual doing, be confirmed or questioned. Actions that do not fit the original intention are devastating. ‚One cannot not communicate’ meant for doing that every activity ALWAYS implies messages. To steer these acts consciously, improves the effect. This concludes the consciousness cycle and starts it again.