Here you find the videos of memecon.
They are arranged in chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
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Application areas of the self-image
The self-image is a model for the profiling of individuals and groups. The video outlines in a few statements the users of the self-image, important application dates as well as the usage horizon for the results.
Application areas of the business model
The business model describes important building blocks of an enterprise. In this video, you find in less than a minute potential users, suitable moments for application and the further use of the outcomes.
Application areas of the strategy
The strategy is the design tool for the future of individuals, groups and entire organizations. The video outlines the intended users, the usual point in time for the application and achievable effects.
memecon® was founded in 2008. On this website you find a large number of contents - procedures, models and more useful offers. The video shows, how you can access the new videos on the homepage. Under the menu item "Contact", you can easily arrange personal meetings via email, telephone or mail.
The strategy
The Business model
The self-image