The investigation of actual situations is a complex task, because a lot of information is hardly tangible. Interpretation provides a structure to determine relevant information for a review of the respective circumstances. Information results from an information exchange and assumed associations. On this basis, interpretations are developed as status report and expectations. Measures for the correction of undesired deviations can be derived from these results. The model creates a comprehensible basis for the interpretation of complex situations. The resulting clarity comes from the documented interpretations, but above all from describing data, opinions and answers, as well as mental models, memories and capabilities.
Interpretation is divided into three areas: Information exchange, Associations and actual Interpretations.

Information exchange
generates information, like data, opinions, and questions that result from conversations with the target group or respective anticipated expressions. Data supplies reports, dates and facts. Opinions are estimates, myths and positions. Questions result from open points and uncertainties. Information exchange should be developed together with the target group.
are composed out of memories, mental models and capabilities that are assumed in the mind of the target group. Memories are events from the past, which are remembered by the target group. Mental models are circumstances, facts, events, opinions and standpoints that compose a consistent conception of the world. Capabilities are knowledge and talents that are available.
consists of status report and expectations of the target group. Status report happens based on the Four-side communication model that consists of facts, appeal, relationship and self-revelation. Expectations describe actions, results and consequences, which are expected by the target group.
Essential for the benefit of interpretation is the constantly written documentation of the findings as well as the planning and adoption of resulting measures.