The MeghaCircle is based on a model of Megha Baumeler, co-founder of the NLP-Akademie Schweiz (NLP Academy Switzerland). The circle visualizes the natural cycle of relationships. Oneself or an organization is one part of a relationship. The other part can be partner, friends, colleagues, superiors or simply other people, that we happen to meet on a flight, in an event or a hotel. Relationships are not only established with people, but also with basic commodities or art works, activities and projects, as well as ideas.
The model was extended for use in management. It consists of the phases latency, preparation, production and post-processing. The cycle begins with latency.

Various parts (e.g. ideas, tasks, projects, people and ourselves) mature independently from each other. The potential of these relationships is unconsciously available for anyone. Eventually the parts find each other, e.g. an employee gets the chance to lead a project. If she declines the offer, both remain in latency (and somebody else takes the lead). By meeting the challenge, she’ll move into the phase preparation.
Preparation is a process of continuous convergence. Both parts successively join. Based on similarities the relationship takes shape. The resulting, positive energy enables a growing overlap. In our example the employee takes the project lead, builds up the team and designs the project according to her ideas. By reaching the highest overlap, production starts.
Based on shared goals Production takes place. Project leader and project create a symbiosis and generate effective and efficient project results that immediately enrich latency and enable new relationships. By reaching the goal the relationship is accomplished. In the post-processing it gets dissolved.
In the post-processing the separation of the relationship gets fulfilled. This letting-go is for both parts a positive step, because both are enriched and move empowered into latency. The project leader developed new capabilities and experiences (same as the team). The project created value-add. Sustainable, positive effects can be achieved by a suitable, official ritual for the project-end (e.g. an official recognition of the participants, an endorsement of the project relevance and a formal project termination). Now all parts go back into latency and the cycle restarts – if not already started.