Meme definition - memecon

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Meme definition

Meme is „any permanent pattern of matter or information produced by an act of human intentionality "(M. Csikszentmihalyi), i.e. all kinds of patterns that humans causally create and think. Like the gene, meme have the characteristics to replicate itself, to vary, to select and thereby to spread continuously. Resonance bodies of meme are all information-carrying systems, i.e. above all humans, who have a consciousness that can understand and process information. In addition, computers are today able to accomplish amazing intelligent processing  of information. Beyond that objects carry information e.g. as contents (words, pictures, music), form (design style), function (technological conditions) and image (values, attitudes), e.g. in books, documents,  DVDs, CDs, records, any kind of pictures, as well as everyday objects.
The actual meaning that is contained in each thought, communication or object is called meme. The individual parts of the meme can be designed actively, enables the spreading and the sustainable use of the topic. The elements of the model are  content, aura, and sphere. There are types of meme in different states.

  • Content

The underlying meaning is contained in content. Usually  context-related aspects describe it. An example is faith that is differently pronounced in different cultures, but always has any kind of transcendental entity.

  • Aura

Obvious, content-oriented relations like assumptions, aspects of attractiveness, as well as cultural dependencies can be found in aura. Examples are assumptions that suggest facts (e.g. economic successes  at the start of a new CEO), attraction (e.g. nice price, easy accessibility) as well as cohesion that result from the cultural context (e.g. club sticker on the car that marks one as a member).

  • Sphere

Characteristics of meme that strengthen it can be found in the sphere, e.g. triggers (i.e. aspects that promote the spreading), benefits (i.e. advantages of the usage of meme), attitudes (i.e. values and habits that strengthen the  meme) and qualities (characteristics that ensure the sustainability of the meme).

There are four different meme types: strategy meme, differentiation meme, association meme and motivation meme. Each type has specific  characteristics and functions. Strategy meme are instructions, which point out paradigms and action alternatives, describe processes as well as rules. Differentiation meme provide categorization i.e. for characterization, definition, and description.

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