My Experiences
The way emerges, when you walk it.
Chinese proverb
In particular, I am operationally and strategically on the way in the area of IT and Business engineering. Most of the time as an executive in a german car company. My experiences are the foundation for the memecon offers.
My stays in the USA and Japan were an important trigger to develop meaning design and to develop eventually memecon. The culturally driven, diverse management approaches showed me that despite all globalization humans are critical success factor with all their convictions. The application of memecon approaches, for example, in Brazil confirmed this.

International projects are mainly in English. Beyond that I speak in French, Japanese, and Spanish.
The users are global companies from different industries. So far, the predominant part of my activities took place in the environment of automotive. Besides, I am active in the area of pharma systems and for service providers of information and communications technology (ICT). memecon has effective solutions for business optimization in all sectors.

Altogether, I covered all levels of business, from programming and concept development, to project management, up to leadership of departments. Core elements of my projects are business models, processes, information, skill and change management as well as communication and coordination. In memecon, I consolidated all these topics in meaning design. The goal is to introduce these approaches in more and more functional areas and sectors.

You find here additional Information about me. If you are interested in my projects, feel free to contacting me directly.