Process of meaning design - memecon

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Process of meaning design

The Process of meaning design® goes from idea development, over communication management, up to the business designing.

In idea development (recognize, thematize, draft) feelings are consolidated to ideas, then to topics and finally to alternative concepts. In communication management (formulate, perceive, understand, and agree) context-related information is prepared, published, discussed and agreed. Business designing (do, know) converts selected and communicated concepts. With business, designing starts a continuous improvement cycle.

  • Recognize

Development of new ideas requires a quantum leap from undefined feeling to a comprehensible statement. This can become stimulated by appropriate creativity activities.

  • Thematize

Ideas exist without form in the space of possibilities. Topic structuring concretizes an idea and is an important step toward concept. It is enabled by comprehensive specification of the problem and its transformation into goals. The description elements are context, relations, net, associations, pro/con and ecology.

  • Draft

Idea development is finished after the original idea becomes stable in a concept. A defined concept structure is available consisting of short description, scope, procedure, SWOT (strengths/ weaknesses and opportunities/ risks), expenditure/benefit as well as a topic evaluation. The final concept should be selected from several alternatives, in order to have sufficient momentum, viability and sustainability.

  • Formulate

Here, development of the communication plan stands in the center with a detailed description of communication measures (i.e. publications, meetings or events). Beyond that, this phase consists of expectation management (i.e. gathering and evaluation of stakeholder expectations), identification of communication needs (i.e. Informing and information needs) and improvement of organizational communication (i.e. comprehensive target-group modeling, communication planning and measure development).

  • Perceive

Development of communication measures can be improved by a structured design. It guarantees that the measures obtain the desired effect. To achieve this, surveys can be accomplished, mailboxes or on-line FAQs as well as personal discussions be arranged. Thus, misunderstandings are promptly identified.

  • Understand

With publication of communication measures a resonance phase begins, in which target group feedback is obtained actively. This happens via meetings, feedback channels and similar activities. This happens with generally available information (e.g. facts, opinions and open questions), known associations (e.g. known experiences, mental models and abilities), expectations (concerning doing, results or consequences) and available situation descriptions. This way you achieve that your messages reach the target group.

  • Agree

In order to increase target group motivation commitment amplifiers can be built into communication. This takes place via formal, contentual and personal amplifiers. The formalization of Commitments supports an increasing acceptance.

  • Do

Business engineering cover the wide space of standard advisory activities. Meaning design focuses here on management support in the case of planning, requirement specification and order monitoring consultation services.

  • Know

Change management covers personality and organizational development measures that support transformation of meaning.

For each stage of meaning design® there is a variety of approaches available, in order to make meaning more effectively conveyed. The approaches are appropriate for business enterprises, non-profit organizations and public administration, but also for individuals.

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