Project destiny
The destiny of a project describes the positive or negative attitudes of the participants of a project over time. The graph passes independently besides the usual phases initialization, definition, planning, control and conclusion. Although in the meantime, the process of a project was optimized and standardized by institutions (e.g. PMI, GPM). Nevertheless, again projects seem to fail more frequently - time and budgets are exceeded. Measures sometimes fail completely. One reason is the lacking attention of the mental state of the involved people that appears in their positive or negative attitudes. The earlier these are considered, the quicker the project runs stable.
Project destiny consists of four phases: Enthusiasm, Disillusion, Effort, and Completion.

At the beginning of the project, interesting goals and the search for capable employees fuel enthusiasm. Participants of the project are wooed and selected, resources provided and thrilling contents published. Since proficient employees are assigned to projects, the selection strengthens the self-confidence. In this phase euphoria should not be stopped, but especially not needlessly be stimulated.
As soon as the first obstacles emerge, euphoria turns into frustration. There are tensions between members of the team, missing resources make work more difficult and the first technical problems emerge. Depending upon height of the initial enthusiasm, the crash can be stronger than expected. Early and regular discussions reduce the frustration.
Disillusion burdens the positive attitude of the people concerned and drives the initiative into chaos. Missing answers and disappointments as well as organization deficiencies pollute project work. By analyzing the participating stakeholders, approaches for improvement can be found. The revised planning and other supporting measures eliminate the emerged chaos and lead to an improved attitude.
The success of the measures affects the attitude positively or negatively. Hushing up undesired attitudes covers difficulties for a long time and prolongs the project unnecessarily. It can even fail. The repetitive mention of the project improves the attitude of the team.