Business modeling
Many famous business models have their roots in a garage, a cellar or a tool shed. Over time, they grew to big companies with a functioning business model. With the introduction of internal entrepreneurship, even internal functions need this kind of communicable business model.
Use memecon procedures for the development and improvement of your business model:

The business model enables planning and improvement of existing business, by documenting the relevant aspects of a business. It consists of deliverables concept, earning model, value creation, organization, partner, customer, resources, communication and coordination.
Enterprises suggest intuitively a functioning business model. As soon as various people collaborate, apply the business model, share tasks and responsibilities, weaknesses appear that result from the missing organization and communication of the business model. Different interpretations lead to redundant work, friction loss, mistakes, bad quality etc.
memecon provides decision makers a holistic structure for planning, communication and realization. The following procedures are available:
Business model check
The check examines the availability and quality of the actual elements of the business model in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Within a one-day workshop, existing business model elements are collected and evaluated. Based on the results, optimization potentials for the strategy are derived.
Business model development
The development (re-)creates business model elements in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Depending upon current conditions of the business model and the size of the organization, a workshop layout is prepared. The participants develop the strategy elements in maximally four days. The results are combined and brought into a communicable format.
This approach improves the operative effect of your business model by applying a defined structure, an interactive workshop layout adjusted to your needs and attractive presentations.