
Smart coordination has crucial impact on results that have to be achieved. Besides the applied coordination mechanisms, a structured change management and slim control system, the Governance, is the difference between success and failure of your initiatives. Feel free to consider the important things by using memecon solutions.
Take control:
TripleS develops goals and tasks in the area of the soft factors strategy, structure and self-image that are used in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Within a two-day workshop, the participants can develop the three perspectives and define change measures. An important result is the exchange of views and opinions concerning the soft factors like e.g. critical success factors, change drivers or stakeholder expectations.
Governance check
Governance check analyzes the availability and quality of the existing Governance in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Within a one-day workshop, existing governance elements can be collected and evaluated. Based on the results optimization potentials for the governance are derived.
Governance development
The governance development (re-)creates governance elements in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Depending upon current governance conditions and the size of the organization a workshop layout can be prepared. The participants develop the governance elements in maximally four days. The results are combined and brought into a communicable form.