Strategy discources
You do not find a successful strategy in the application of strategy schools, the take-over of a successful business case or the cult around an ingenious strategist. Success comes particularly from people and their collective objectives. The direction is defined by a common understanding and acceptance of the strategy.
Strengthen your strategy especially in the setup and development of your business. The following memecon procedures are available:

Strategy is the vehicle that is used by management to define the direction of the enterprise. The strategy model consists of the required elements: vision, mission, critical success factors, value disciplines, SWOT, strategic direction, strategic goals and strategic core.
The development of the strategy can be a very personal process where the management creates top down the strategy elements. The alternative is a regular initiative where all areas participate and develop their strategies bottom-up.
memecon calls these strategy activities strategy discourses. For the strategy, implementation it is important to start at an early stage a discourse with the people involved in order to integrate their experiences.
Strategy check
The strategy check examines the availability and quality of the actual strategy in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Within a one-day workshop, existing strategy elements are collected and evaluated. Based on the results optimization potentials for the strategy are derived.
Strategy development
The strategy development (re-)creates strategy elements in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. Depending upon current strategy conditions and the size of the organization a workshop layout is prepared. The participants develop the strategy elements in maximally four days. The results are combined and brought into a communicable form.
Scenario designing
With scenario designing business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration you can develop complementary scenarios. Depending on the current task definition and the size of the organization a workshop layout can be prepared. The participants develop the scenario elements in maximally two days. The results are combined and brought into a communicable form.
Strategy discourses improve the effectiveness of your strategy by using a defined strategy model, an interactive workshop layout adjusted to your needs and attractive presentations.