Workshop catalysis
Ensure that temporary ‚shop-floors’ do not become more and more experienced ‘Sit-Ins’. Workshop catalysis leads to new results and adapts the speed of the working group to the requirements. Active organization of workshops results in positive outcomes.
Choose one from three approaches:

It is frequently not considered that the majority of the expenditure represents organization, infrastructure or support costs. The biggest workshop expenditure comes from presence, preparation time and diversion of the participants.
The elements, which make a workshop successful, are the consideration of the pre-requisites, the preparation of the topics, the consideration of the participant interests, the procedure of the workshop and the actual workshop organization (i.e. invitations, rooms, material, etc.).
Only by a stringent preparation, workshops obtain maximum efficiency and thus justify the resource allocation. The effective workshop management, from preparation, over facilitation, up to the post-production, is called workshop catalysis.
The following procedures are available, which built one on the other. Workshop catalysis can be used in any organization form and with business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration.
Workshop pure
The simplest version consists of facilitation and support during preparation. The agenda is arranged in such a way that the defined goals can be achieved.
Workshop plus
Workshop plus covers additionally the development of contents and workshop components. Contents can be e.g. presentations, trainings or similar. Workshop components are plenum and breakout activities, which are individually developed to produce defined results.
Workshop max
Workshop max is the most comprehensive version. Additionally it consists of workshop development, - evaluation and action planning. The entire workshop is designed in coordination with the client. After conclusion of the workshop, results are evaluated and prepared and eventually measures are defined.
Workshop catalysis increases the productivity by a result-oriented preparation, facilitation and documentation.