Archive in alphabetical order - memecon

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Archive in alphabetical order

In this section you find all models in alphabetical order.

The affinity of individuals and groups to various cultures can be described on different levels.
Basic strategies
The purpose of this model is to reduce   the   various  strategic  approaches   to a manageable   number of   basic strategies.

Benefit aspects
Core and collateral benefit define the benefit of a product or service.

Business change model
Change activities are defined by three aspects: area of designing, target group and dynamic of change. The model integrates the three aspects to a framework, in order to reduce the complexity of the application fields. 

Business idea
The business idea is the simple description of a business venture.

Change dynamics
The definition of the aspired change degree starts with the determination of the starting point and ends with the radical change of second degree.

Change portfolio
The Change portfolio defines changes about strategy and dynamic.

Commitment amplifier 
Besides motivation, commitment is an important driving factor  for people, that has to be developed of their own account from inside out.

Commitment level
The explicit determination of the binding character of publications facilitates the use for all people involved.

Communication cycle
Communication does not end with the saying or the pushing of the return key.

Communication model
The communication model organizes the classical relationship between Sender and Receiver under consideration of Meaning Design. 
Consciousness cycle
Our information processing reaches from perception, through thinking and communication up to the act. Then the cycle begins again.

Consulting Portfolio
The variety of consulting offers is difficult to understand. The Consulting Portfolio provides a simple structure.

Cultural aspects
Cultural rapprochement is hampered by varied, actually undefined aspects. This model provides a basic structure for a first description.

Effectiveness and Efficiency
Doing the right things right - that’s the question. Distinguishing these two terms generates ideas for additional benefits.
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Exercise format
The biggest effect of learning is caused by practical exercise, This requires a good preparation and introduction.
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Governance model
The Governance model is a management model to control organizational units. 

Influence factor model
The Influence factor model consists of four basic categories that impact the course of action.

Information exchange
Exchanging information is more efficient, if it is gathered jointly  and clustered into facts and opinions.

Information life cycle
Information is a flexible, anytime adaptable object. The information life cycle describes relevant phases.
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The understanding of the target group starts with their center of interest.

Interpretations are often made unconsciously. Therefore potential aspects are frequently omitted. The model provides a structure to consider relevant aspects.

Levels of detail
Defined levels of detail establish structure for investigating, documenting and analyzing model information.

Life cycle
The natural course of life affects each operation element.

Logical Levels
Logical Levels are a holistic Framework for modeling situations and roles. 

Meaning carrier
Meaning is intangible and nonetheless always present. It is helpful to be aware, where meaning actually can be found.

The MeghaCircle provides a general approach to describe circles of relations. 

The knowledge of the functionality of memes makes positioning and distribution  of meaning easier.

Meme units
Meme is a far-reaching concept that consists of elements that we all know.
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Message aspects
A message conveys always more than is apparent at first glance. Check your messages with the four-side model.
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Meta model of language
Various filter-mechanism change content coming from the deep into the surface structure.

Model of expectations
The conscious management of expectations improves hit rate of any project and for this reason project success. 

Perceptual positions
The personal view can be expanded by these standard perspectives. 

Expand your view by looking from different perspectives on it.

Plan radar
The dimensions and the temporal scope facilitate the planning.

Problem/ goal specification
The problem/ goal specification enables the documentation of the current problem and the desired goal state. 

Process of meaning design
Meaning design is a wide field that bothers also you regularly – albeit mainly subconscious. The model provides a first entry along the meaning design process. 

Project destiny
The attitudes of the project participants has a big influence on the results.

Reaction matrix
A quick reaction to current tasks is made easy by an appropriate system of prioritization.

Natural limitations in projects result often from the availability of resources. Which resources could have an influence?

Defined tasks, authorities and responsibilities are the pre-requisite for a clear task sharing.

Scenario elements
The invention of alternative futures requires imagination. The model provides a structure that contains essential elements in order to give you room for content-related creativity.

The definition of the field of operation is an important function to focus action.

Service quality
Service quality provides evaluation criteria for services of all kind. 

Skill model
People assignments are more effective if there is an effective understanding of their skills. 

Smartification provides a structure for defining meaningful goals that ensures a common understanding.

Stakeholder profile
Your stakeholder descriptions can be much easier compared and reused through stable, comprehensive structures. 

Status circle
The assessment of a situation detached from words can lead to surprising results.

Soft benefits
Although the soft factors have a big influence, these soft benefits are difficult to grasp.


The first step is it to recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The second is the derivation of respective strategies.
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System complexity
System complexity organizes systems concerning variability and variety. 

System levels
System levels help finding solution approaches on one level of detail without getting irritated by different detailing.

Target group
The success of communication is mainly defined by the understanding of the target group.
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Target group goals
In order to focus on a target group. it requires a good understanding of their goals.

T-Model of skills
The skill distribution model clarifies the potential qualification of a person. 

Visions are conceptions that somebody develops ideally and perhaps wants to realize in the future. The dealing with visions seems so difficult that some people speak at first glance of hallucinations and transcendental phenomena. Perhaps this model provides a new approach to this important management tool.

The power of visible indecision.

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